Saturday, June 20, 2009

Do you follow up properly after attending network events?

How often do you go to a network event hoping and expecting to make a sale or meet someone who wants your services or products there and then?

What’s your main purpose for attending a network event?

Do you feel and see yourself as an expert networker, do you feel happy, relaxed and confident chatting to lots of people and what do you chat about?

Every time you attend a network event do you send a follow up email the next day to all those business cards you collected and find the rest of the people from the delegate list on the internet from their websites?

Does creating a simple, straight forward follow up email, coming up with something to say, stop you from contacting people afterwards?

I’m always amazed after attending events at the number of people who don’t do this…

What are the possible reasons why?
• People think they don’t have time
• It’s not really that important to do
• I don’t have anything to follow up with
• I don’t have any information to send them

I work with a lady, a professional in her field, a very intelligent and creative person but she has a problem with dyslexia.

What she does is phone me the day after every event she attends and basically tells me what she would like to say in her follow up email.

I then create an email from the information she’s told me about, so it reads as though it’s coming from her and send it back to her by email.

All she’s got to do is use it as a generic email and send it to each of the business card contacts she’s collected. Really simple and doesn’t take me long to create.

Just think if you got into a routine like this, how fast your database of contacts would grow…

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