Sunday, November 29, 2009
How to be ‘Super Efficient’ in business!
Price will always be a major deciding factor on choosing something – especially now.
Quality and Customer Service will definitely be number one.
Making sure the customer or client is being exceptionally well looked after is vital.
This ‘well looked after’ feeling is what people need and want.
To be ‘Super Efficient’ you need to be ‘Well Organised’.
Being ‘well organised’ is not always an automatic or natural concept that everyone adapts to easily.
A lot of it needs to be learned and practiced.
You’re not automatically born with it.
If you want help to show off your ‘super efficiency’ in business - work with a Virtual Assistant.
A Virtual Assistant can be your ‘super efficiency’ leaving you to concentrate on what you do best in business.
Here are 7 points to consider
1. An email as below sent out without checking thoroughly before hitting ‘Send’
I will contact you immediately with a suitable date and time. Sorry for the incontinence in this instance.
Easily done when using the spell checking facility when you’re in a mad rush…
An embarrassing and possibly costly mistake to make…
2. Not returning emails and telephone calls within a satisfactory period of time
It takes seconds to send an email or make a phone call saying thank you for the enquiry and that you will be in touch very soon.
It is human nature to be annoyed when someone doesn’t return a call or email within your desired time frame.
It is even more human nature for someone to look and go elsewhere if you don’t return their call or email them quickly.
3. Sending an email to lots of people.
But putting all their email addresses in the 'CC' part instead of the 'BCC'part
It can be quite costly allowing everyone else to view everyone else’s email addresses.
4. Understanding when a ‘Form or Template’ is required for a specific job or process you do on a regular basis.
How often do you write out or type out something on a regular basis that would save you time if available on a form saved in Word or a regular email reply saved in Word that you could cut and paste?
5. Don’t have the full details of a client’s/customer’s enquiry or job to hand?
When a customer makes a call to your office, inefficiency becomes strongly highlighted if you can’t find their details or what the enquiry was about or what the job entailed.
6. Is all your information saved on different spreadsheets, databases, email contacts and word documents, instead of sitting in one central location on your computer?
Decide on what software system you prefer to use and update easily.
If you prefer to use spreadsheets for holding all your contact information with sales and notes included - get everything else exported into that one location.
This will save you endless amounts of time searching through different locations on your computer.
7. Lists of ‘Things To Do’
Make a decision as to where you’re most regularly and likely to look for your list of ‘Things To Do’.
If you prefer a written list on your office wall or a white board set out in ‘Monday to Friday’ style or Job Sheet saved on your computer desktop to view – which ever version works best for you, get into a habit of checking that ‘same place’ every day and updating with new ‘jobs to complete’.
REMEMBER– if you want help to show off your ‘super efficiency’ in business work with a Virtual Assistant.
A Virtual Assistant can be your ‘super efficiency’ leaving you to concentrate on what you do best in business.
Make your Customer Service Shine!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Research into doing business in United Arab Emirates
They've been conducting a research project on Dubai and Abu Dhabi to look at their culture of doing business and how Virtual Assistance can be offered as a service to businesses based in the UAE.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Global Entrepreneurship Week - 16 to 22 November 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How can I talk to millions of people about my business

Discover what you’re business is missing out on
Find out what your competitors are doing
If your business limits its online presence to a shop window called your website then you’re missing out on the rapidly growing and powerful networking opportunities.
Allowing you to effectively target your audience by having a visual presence and logging on to social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Plaxo, Twitter, blogs and EzineArticles opens up vast opportunities.
We can help you take advantage of these fantastic tools by asserting your company's presence online and reaching more potential customers, and important business contacts.
You’ve always got something to say about your businesses...
So SHOUT about it
Let us tell people about your latest offers, service, products, events, new business ventures and good news stories online. We can create your member profile for each of the business social network sites that helps drive further traffic to your company’s website.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Declare your independence by working with a professional VA
Having your own PA gives a little prestige and shows that you’re happy, confident and trusting when delegating work. Plus, working with a good PA lets you concentrate on other areas, letting them get on with sorting your daily/weekly activities and of course acting as that expert gate keeper.
Having a virtual PA on board gives you independence to move forward, having someone to rely on, take the load when something goes a miss, for example children being poorly, ideal situation whereby you can ask your virtual PA to cancel that important appointment with a client and reschedule while showing a professional, confident front.
Most sole traders/entrepreneurs are so busy wearing 20 different hats, tying themselves in knots and forget the purpose of ‘enjoying life’ – isn’t that why you decided to go self employed anyway…
Having the independence to go and do – leaves you relaxed and happy that your virtual PA is fielding your emails, answering them on your behalf, building relationships with clients, suppliers, business colleagues, booking your appointments and dealing with letters and reports.
If you’ve already got a busy family life and spend your time driving from meeting to meeting – the last thing you want to do on your return home is type up your notes from the day’s event before you forget what was said.
Find time in your day to speak with your PA and give them the information verbally over the phone. They’re most likely far quicker than you at typing and setting the letter/report out to look good.
If you are in a new business or have been going a good while, give yourself and someone else some independence. Delegate and use professional support offered by the virtual assistant.
Struggling companies need to learn about the benefits of VA
Businesses need to learn and understand about Virtual Assistance, about how they can help themselves when it comes to administration staff.
There is a massive win win solution to this scenario.
If you’re struggling and need to make your admin staff redundant, why not train your existing admin staff to become Freelance Virtual Assistants and let them supply the support back to you on an hourly rate.
The benefits are common sense.
The business will get:
• Continuity of support from a Virtual Assistant who knows the business already
• A choice of how many hours support required per week/month that the business can afford to spend
• Relief knowing you’re helping the redundant member of staff move onto another career
• No massive monthly wage bill to pay each time and worry about
• Virtual Assistants take care of their own NI contributions, tax, pension etc
• You no longer have to provide office space, computer equipment and refreshments, Virtual Assistants usually work from home.
Those businesses that make use of a Virtual Assistant will bounce back and experience growth and will be in a far better position. Having the flexibility to retain the Virtual Assistance Services as and when required will be a huge bonus to the business.
Think positive and optimistic at all times.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Do you have contingency plans in place with the threat of Swine Flu
What about using the expert skills of a Virtual Assistant who works from home?
If you’re business environment already has the virus, why bring another person into the office to go off sick – invest in a home working Virtual Assistant to do the work for you instead.
Virtual Assistants charge an hourly rate for their services so you’re in control of how much you want to spend per week/month.
To give you an idea of the type of services they offer:
• word processing and audio typing
• creating content for emails
• website editing – changing written content and images
• spreadsheet and database management
• PowerPoint presentations
• internet research
• article writing
• mail-merges
• follow up phone calls to businesses after attending network events
A refreshing change and life saving option when you need someone who can do those admin jobs that get left to the last minute and make you suddenly panic…
Friday, July 10, 2009
Who looks after your business while you’re away on holiday?
How many times have you raced towards that well earned holiday, counting down the days, frantically making sure everything is sorted while you’re away? And then discover, on your return, your emails awash with junk, invites to every network event in the area and countless emails that need a reply now…
Would it put your mind at ease having someone whom you could trust to check your emails and reply to those urgent enquiries and put all your invites and non-urgent emails into a separate folder, ready for when you come back?
Would this take the pressure off and make your first few days back at work more manageable.
Knowing someone will take care of any business while you’re away, making sure no potential work or new clients get forgotten.
If you’re a small business, going on holiday is fabulous but can also cause countless issues and worries, especially if you are in your early years of start-up.
Having a professional virtual assistant to look after your day to day enquiries while you’re away leaves you to sit back and enjoy your vacation.
Let us take care of things – email
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Do you follow up properly after attending network events?
What’s your main purpose for attending a network event?
Do you feel and see yourself as an expert networker, do you feel happy, relaxed and confident chatting to lots of people and what do you chat about?
Every time you attend a network event do you send a follow up email the next day to all those business cards you collected and find the rest of the people from the delegate list on the internet from their websites?
Does creating a simple, straight forward follow up email, coming up with something to say, stop you from contacting people afterwards?
I’m always amazed after attending events at the number of people who don’t do this…
What are the possible reasons why?
• People think they don’t have time
• It’s not really that important to do
• I don’t have anything to follow up with
• I don’t have any information to send them
I work with a lady, a professional in her field, a very intelligent and creative person but she has a problem with dyslexia.
What she does is phone me the day after every event she attends and basically tells me what she would like to say in her follow up email.
I then create an email from the information she’s told me about, so it reads as though it’s coming from her and send it back to her by email.
All she’s got to do is use it as a generic email and send it to each of the business card contacts she’s collected. Really simple and doesn’t take me long to create.
Just think if you got into a routine like this, how fast your database of contacts would grow…
Is a Virtual Assistant a luxury in a Recession?
• Do the work him/herself
• Look for someone freelance to subcontract the work to
Having a Virtual Assistant in a recession can fall both ways of the argument.
On the plus side, it definitely saves money on employment, all those costs associated with sick, holiday, NI, pension contributions etc. plus providing them with office space and equipment.
A VA (Virtual Assistant) on an hourly rate gives you much more control of how much you spend per week or month, which can quite easily fluctuate from week to week.
You get a definitive idea on how long a job takes and costs, especially for jobs like populating a spreadsheet of new contact details or phone calling to follow up emails and mail shots – remember time is money…
On the other side, as an established Virtual Administrator I have the choice to take on a new client or not. I can make a decision as to whether a potential client would be better doing their own admin work if it only involves 1 hour’s support per month and they show no great ambition to grow their business.
But from the businesses perspective, by using the skills of a VA, this will free up time for them to concentrate on other areas of their marketing, selling and growing business strategy.
Having a VA in a recession really does boil down to these 2 facts:
• Can you afford to pay someone on an hourly rate to look after your admin functions?
• And do you think by freeing up your time to concentrate on other areas of your business will benefit you in the long term?
A VA working for small businesses can:
• Look after your appointments
• Reply to your emails on your behalf
• Populate your ever growing contact spreadsheet with business cards
• Type up reports, quotes and help with form filling and grant applications
• Sort out your invoices and chase up late payments
• Create articles, press releases, write ups on your business
• Update your website with fresh content and pictures
• Make sure your website comes high up when people search on Google
This gives you a good list of jobs that would tie down a person who really needs to get out to meetings, appointments and network events.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Use your time wisely!
Remember to note the contact name, email and telephone number either in your diary or your Outlook Calendar – to remind yourself to give them a call in 2-3 days to ask if they got your email and if they’re interested in your services or products.
Generic Emails
Take 30 minutes and create yourself a generic email and save as a template for sending out to people following an event.
What stops people from doing this task, is figuring out what to write in the email.
• Keep it short - say it was good to meet and chat with them
• In your subject title – make sure it relates to the event you attended
• Have an attachment ready to send with the email showing your products or services
• Provide them with a link to your website in the content of your email
• Ask them a direct question that will need an answer, ready for when you make your follow up phone call
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Go networking with your expert knowledge and solutions to other people’s problems
Plus, don’t forget to take a big smile!
Be definite and confident about what services or products you can offer to businesses
Sell them the benefits — how you can make their life easier
Take away the stress and strain of their particular problem that you can solve
Remember they are buying YOU more than just your services
People Buy People
People buy the confidence you present to them
Always deliver on promises
Make sure people remember you!
Always follow up your events with an email to those people you spoke with and
the business cards you collected - they will remember you next time.
Spend time looking through your delegate list and don’t forget to contact those people you didn’t get to chat with
Not enough people do this…
Friday, March 27, 2009
Entrepreneurs and Dyslexia
Have you ever fancied having someone to help with answering your emails and composing your letters/responses?
Are you concerned that your response emails might not always make sense or worry about those words that don’t get picked up on your Spell Checker?
Is it taking you too long to read and answer your emails/correspondence – do you feel that it slows you down, causing irritation, when you really want to concentrate on the creative, planning, growing side of your business?
Are you immediately put off reading lengthy big documents, emails with long paragraphs and small writing? Missing out on information that could be really useful to your business…
There are a lot of people in business who have this common disability that need help with the day to day obstacles of reading, creating and answering their emails and enquiries – so that they can concentrate and channel all their energies on what they do best.
It can be easily done over the phone with the help of a virtual assistant – talking and explaining specifically what you want to say/reply to the person in the email. The composed reply email can be sent back to you as a word document so all you need to do is copy and paste, and send the reply email from yourself.
Any lengthy emails and documents that need reading and understanding and making sense of, as a conversation rather than reading material is easily done.
It can be made much better and clearer when spoken, taking away the stress and irritation which comes with having dyslexia.
How do I grow my business without having money available to spend on recruiting sales people?
Does this sound familiar…
How do I grow my business without having money available to spend on recruiting sales people?
You are a small business that seriously wants to grow, offering more services and products and employment to people
Wages are generally one of the biggest outgoing costs a business pays out
Banks are still causing issues with regards to providing overdrafts and loans to businesses that desperately need help to survive
So how do you find the finance to grow?
A common role most essential in any business is the ‘Sales Person’
If the business doesn’t have the available money/funds to pay the Sales Person in the first few months (settling in period before new sales start to come in) - how do they push the business forward to raise awareness and make more sales?
What current products or services does the business already sell, that doesn’t require the extra hire of a Sales Person?
Does the business have something else in place that generates the extra revenue?
You could look at hiring a Freelance Sales Person on an hourly rate instead?
You’re more likely to be in control of how much you can and can’t afford to spend each month instead of worrying about employment costs, paying all the extras on top.
Or you could try the commission only on a trial.
Once new jobs/sale of your products starts to come in - this should generate available money to spend more hours on the Freelance Sales Person.
As long as you watch your finances and make sure enough money is coming in to pay the Freelance Sales Person - this should work.
How I first started Virtual Administration
I started Virtual Administration in 2006 providing hourly rate virtual admin support to businesses – everything from general typing of reports, creating emails and mail merges, through to article writing, website editing, populating spreadsheets and databases and creating PowerPoint presentations.
With 18 years experience in business and local government administration - this was the obvious choice in career.
I could see a gap in the market where businesses and entrepreneurs who couldn't afford to employ a full time or part time administrator, didn't have the office space or spare office equipment and desperately needed to off-load the day to day admin tasks, to enable them to concentrate on what they loved doing in their own business.
Three and half years later I’m now training people UK wide to become freelance home working virtual assistants, helping them to build their own client base while working round the family commitments.
Virtual Working is definitely the future and of course saves businesses thousands of pounds in salary costs.
It’s a fantastic opportunity for people from an admin/secretarial background to use their expert skills and knowledge – as well as providing businesses and entrepreneurs with professional high quality business support.